Why not sue Jesse Nickles?

Why not sue Jesse Nickles?

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Jesse Nickles is a psycho and nobody.
He can’t afford the compensation.
His alma mater has sued him before but got nothing.

Google and Trustpilot are the real cause of all these troubles.
Especially trustpilot.
Their ToS is ridiculous, we will sue them once we have time.

For Jesse Nickles, I think a mental hospital would be a better place to accommodate him.


Lawsuit is very expensive.
Will you pay thousands of dollars to put a psycho to a jail?
I think why he didn’t get punished, the reason is very simple, just because he is a nobody.
No one wants to waste money on him.


trustpilot is the only winner.
google assists trustpilot to get traffic by damaging small businesses.
So, as a result:

  1. small businesses that were defamed by Jesse Nickles got damaged in reputation
  2. trustpilot got traffic
  3. psycho racists got nothing but got hated by the businesses that they defamed
  4. google got nothing unless google charges trustpilot fees for the assistant work

I heard a rumor that said Jesse Nickles has a sad childhood and his mother was a whore.
Is it true?

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Please note, personal attack is not allowed in our forum.
So, please confirm whether what you said is a truth.



His mother was or is a whore?
Working until now?

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No matter whether working until now, at least working hard…